On behalf of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, I congratulate and salute Bishop McKinley Young, Dr. Dorothy J. Young, Rev. Joy Gallmon, Rev. Kennetta C. Carter, and the Christian Education Department of the Eleventh Episcopal District on the inaugural edition of your Christian Education newsletter, “The Christian Education Connector”. Your noble goals of developing an effective Christian Education department and encouraging believers to become strong disciples of Christ are foundational and fundamental to the witness and work of Christian life.
Matthew 28:16-20 comports three aspects of Christian life; evangelism, teaching, and service. Christian Education as effective teaching ministry, engenders vital faith formation and development that leads to lives of strong piety and sincere responsibility in believers. Christian Education transforms repentant converts into committed servants. Christian Education equips believers with deep, mature faith for vibrant service for the Kingdom’s ministry and mission.
This newsletter will be a spiritual blessing and strengthening encouragement for those who toil tirelessly in the field of Christian Education without any acclaim or recognition. These servants will be inspired to teach Church School, nurture youth, mentor young adults, and undergird other congregational ministries. Ultimately, this newsletter will glorify God through the salvation of souls and their responsive service to God and the Kingdom. May God bless this newsletter ministry with extraordinary effectiveness, success, and longevity.
Daryl B. Ingram
Executive Director
Department of Christian Education
African Methodist Episcopal Church